How Is Each Term (Number Of Matchsticks) Found?
How is each term (number of matchsticks) found? Answer: To get the next term or each term (number of matchsticks), add the common difference to the previous term. Step-by-step explanation: The activity on the number of matchsticks illustrates a sequence where the difference between any two consecutive term is a constant. This constant is called common difference and the said sequence is called arithmetic sequence . The table below represents the number of squares along side the number of matchsticks used to form the square No. of squares : 1 2 3 4 No. of matchsticks: 4 7 10 13 Notice that when forming 1 square, 4 matchsticks are needed, for 2 squares 7 matchsticks are needed since the two squares formed were sharing 1 side for theyre adjacent to each other. Continuing the pattern for the number of matchstick, notice that there is a pattern formed. Where if you subtract two consecutive terms, that is; 2nd term minus the 1st term, or 3rd te...