Differentiate Between: 1.) Cell Plate And Cleavage Furrow 2.) Cytokinesis And Karyokinesis 3.) Centromere And Kinetochore

differentiate between: 1.) cell plate and cleavage furrow 2.) cytokinesis and karyokinesis 3.) centromere and kinetochore

1. Cell plate only exists in plant cells during the late stage of their division. This is what becomes the cell walls for the daughter cells. On the other hand, cleavage furrow only occurs in animals cells since they do not have cell walls, they do not need to form that solid plate. This is both true even for mitosis or meiosis of plant and animal cells.

2. Cytokinesis is the continuous movement and ultimately separation of the cytoplasm of the daughter cells that have undergone division. On the other hand, karyokinesis is the formation of the nuclear membrane and loosening of the chromosomes into chromatin form after cytokinesis.

3. Centromere is the central structure of the chromosomes. On the other hand, the kinetochore is a structure found on the surface of the centromere where the spindle fibers attach.

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